
Lightning Economics

P2P Privacy

Privacy is ensured between the participants on a P2P basis. The Plenny Dapp cannot track lightning transactions from participating nodes. Lightning transactions only take place on a P2P basis and can therefore only be tracked by Lightning Nodes in their own payment channels. Using Hashed Timelock Contracts (HTLC), participating nodes cannot track the lightning transactions of others.

Lightning Nodes permit participants to access channel capacity on a non-custodial basis for connectivity and transactional purposes. Access to payments data is granted based on P2P transactions. During this data exchange, Plenny enforces fundamental data protection principals. There is no control of funds by third parties, no accounts for depositing or holding funds, and no financial intermediation taking place.

There are technologies like zero-knowledge proofs to help protect privacy on blockchains. Apart from that, as a general rule, crypto experts recommend having more than one crypto wallet, including at least one that is public-facing and at least one that is private.